Transition Process
We understand the transition between primary school and secondary school can be both an exciting time but also an anxious time for young people and their parents. We want to try and support you as much as we can. It is important to us that the children joining our school feel ready for the new challenges of secondary school and arrive feeling excited about all the opportunities on offer.
We take pride in our appearance here at Barnes Wallis Academy, to find out what you need, click here
Houses and Tutor Grouping
Students are placed in a House when they arrive at Barnes Wallis Academy.
The Form Tutor takes responsibility for their students and is the first port of call between home and school; they are the person that will make the initial contact with students on a daily basis and set the standard for the day ahead. In partnership with parents, they will aim to ensure all students are fully prepared to learn and progress within the Academy. Our houses are:
Virtual Tour
Our Senior Leadership Team

Hello, I’m Mr Scarrott and I’m proud to be the Principal of Barnes Wallis Academy. I have been since September 2018 and before that I was Principal of another school. I trained as a Language teacher nearly 20 years ago and have been a Principal for the last 7 years. I live in Lincolnshire and in the holidays, I like to travel and try to go somewhere warm if I can. Sometimes at the end of a long day I go out for a short bike ride, but only if the weather’s nice! I enjoy eating different foods and occasionally even find the time to cook. I’m really looking forward to meeting you all and welcoming you to Barnes Wallis Academy. Whilst you’re probably a bit nervous at the moment, I’m sure you’ll be very happy here and the next 5 years will fly by
Mr Scarrott – Principal
Hello everyone! I’m Miss Dunsford and I am the Vice Principal at Barnes Wallis Academy; I have been here for many years now. Many of you may have seen me in your primary schools over the years or when you have come into the school, so I hope I am familiar to some of you already. I have two children of my own, who are both at primary school. I worked in London for 16 years as a PE teacher and pastoral lead before coming back to my home roots in Lincolnshire, very different to the hustle and bustle of London town. In my spare time I try to do lots of running and fitness. My passions are travel and visiting new places around the world. Spending time with my family and friends is really important to me. I Am looking forward to meeting you all soon.
Miss Dunsford – Vice Principal
Hi! My name is Mrs Ashfield and as well as teaching Geography, I am also the Assistant Principal. I joined BWA in September 2019 and no doubt like yourselves, I found myself both nervous and really excited at the thought of joining a new school and meeting new people. My nerves soon disappeared when I met all of the students and staff who are incredibly friendly and helpful and are happy to answer any of your questions from 'Where is room 11?' to 'Which House is the best?' to 'What should I get from the canteen?' After your first week you will feel like you have always been a part of Team BWA.
In my spare time, I like to visit the beach, which is not too far from where I live, as well as spending time with my friends and family.
I look forward to meeting you all soon!
Mrs Ashfield – Assistant Principal
Heads' of Houses
Hi, I am Miss Gem and I am Head of Dakota House. Our house is represented by the royal colour purple as we are a house of great importance and excellence. Being a member of Dakota means working as a team with your peers, showing kindness, being respectful and always trying your best. During your time at Barnes Wallis Academy, you will have the opportunity to represent Dakota this could be by earning house points, winning stars, or competing in a range of house competitions. Dakota is a friendly bunch of staff and students, and we all look forward to welcoming new students to join our team!
Miss Gem – Head of Dakota
Hi, I'm Mr Chapman and I have been at Barnes Wallis Academy since January 2018. I have been the Head of Hurricane House since September 2019. In Hurricane we strive to be the best we can be in all fields and are always respectful of our staff and fellow peers. At BWA I teach Physical Education, which is similar to many of the subjects at the Academy, where we offer fantastic opportunities outside of the classroom and we encourage all students to attend. The Academy has a strong sense of community where we support, encourage and work together so that we are able to get the best out of each other. My message to you would be to try not to worry about attending BWA but be excited and eager to start off the next chapter!
Mr Chapman – Head of Hurricane
I am Mr Pocklington, Head of Lancaster, and I’m really excited to welcome you into our team. If you hear other houses claiming that they are this, that and the other ignore them! Lancaster is the team which is on the rise and aiming to be the best in 2022. My number one request is that you are part of the TEAM, and that you commit to supporting the House in everything we do. Teamwork will take you to places you've never been to before. Lancaster House has a brilliant team of staff who are all there to support you, and of course my door is always open, so if you have a question that you need answering then don't be shy, ask!
Mr Pocklington – Head of Lancaster
Hello, I'm Ms Swann and I'm Head of Spitfire House. Well done if you get in Spitfire as we are the best house and don't let anyone ever tell you any different. I've been a teacher here for many years and even taught some of your parents. I'm so looking forward to meeting all of you. I know school will be a strange place for a while yet but remember we are a very friendly, supportive school and we are here to help you in every way we can. This is the start of your secondary school journey and we will be with you every step of the way to making the best version of you. We are all super competitive and hope you will contribute to every aspect of the house system as well as trying your Personal Best at all times. Finally, my number one rule is that we are all honest at all times. I will be honest with you and I expect you to all be honest with me. Looking forward to seeing you all soon and feel free to ask any questions!
Ms Swann – Head of Spitfire
The Pastoral Team
Hello! My name is Mrs Judd and I am the Attendance Officer here at Barnes Wallis Academy.
I am a crazy cat lady who loves baking cakes and treats. I love the sunshine and hate the cold as you will find out when you come into my roasting hot office!!! I have worked in Education for over 22 years in various supporting roles. I am also part of the Pastoral Team and it is my job to make sure that you are attending school regularly and on time.
Every week I will be checking your attendance. Remember there are lots of rewards for 100% attendance such as trips, vouchers, trophies and other prizes!
I am here to support you. If you are worried or having any problems which are making you feel as though you don’t want to come into school, then I will help you to sort them out.
Hello! Welcome to Barnes Wallis Academy. My name is Mr. Fagg and I am a member of the Pastoral Team in my role as Inclusion Manager. I have worked at BWA for 4 and a half years, starting as a Teaching Assistant before moving over to my current role.
I am easily identified as I'm the only member of staff with no hair. I love hearing stories and having discussions so if you have any news that you want to share or any achievement you're proud of, I will always stop and listen.
I also like to share a crisp high five or fist bump so don't be shy.
I live in Coningsby with my wife (you'll find her in the science department) and 2 young children.
In my spare time I enjoy fitness and weight training, martial arts, pyrography (setting wood on fire artistically), woodworking and gaming. I look forward to meeting you all.
Hi! I am Mrs Sawmynaden and I work as part of the Pastoral Team at BWA.
Myself and the rest of the Pastoral Team are here to help and support you in any way we can.
I have been at BWA since February 2019 and find my role challenging but exciting and fun. I love interacting with all the students and am missing this at the moment.
In my spare time, I have 2 young children who keep me busy and currently, I am home educating them as well as working from home myself. I love to cook and I also love dancing and singing. If you are lucky you may even get to see some of my moves and hear me singing during your time at BWA.
Hi everyone! I’m Miss Bridges and I’m part of the Pastoral team at Barnes Wallis Academy. I’m here to help all of our students with any problems they’re having, in and out of school. I’m always free for a chat if you need one! Outside of school I spend a lot of time with my family and friends going for walks, reading and watching movies!
The Whole BWA Team
barnes wallis academy staff list september 2022.pdf
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
Hello, I would like to introduce myself and our SEND department here at Barnes Wallis Academy. My name is Mrs Castley and I am the Special Education Needs & Disability Coordinator (SENDCo)
We have 7 teaching assistants and their names are:
Ms Girling
Mrs Wells
Miss Carter (also our Resource Manager)
Miss Kingston
Mr Popple
Mrs Crowther
Mrs Masterman (Apprentice)
Here at Barnes Wallis Academy our aim is to support you in achieving the best that you can. The way that we support students is different for everyone.
It could be through:
Additional adult support in class
Small group work-dyslexia club, maths club and social skills clubs
One to one support for accelerated learning
Social/ nurture club in the mornings
Homework club after school
Additional ICT to support learning
Sometimes we need to talk to other people when things get on top of us this could be though a counsellor- Casy Counselling or Mindfulness. We also sometimes need to bring in expert people to help us help you, we call this external specialist e.g. Speech and language therapists.
To learn more, please click here
What do our current student's think?
Welcome to English!
Below is a recommended booklist by genre – our challenge is this; Which books have you read already?
We look forward to hopefully meeting you all soon!
Ms Swann, Mr Kirk, Miss Denton, Miss Whitehouse and Mrs Ball
The autolist folder TRANSITION/Y6ENGLISH does not exist or has been moved.
Physical Education
Useful Information
- BWA Attendance Booklet 2022 2023
- BWA Basic Equipment Checklist
- BWA Rewards
- BWA Standards and Expectations 2022 2023
- BWA What You Need to Know 2022 2023
Barnes Wallis Academy Term Dates
My Child at School (MCAS)