The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Barnes Wallis Academy

At Barnes Wallis Academy we aim to provide each and every one of our students with the guidance and support they need to excel.


It is important that every student gets the best chance to succeed at Barnes Wallis Academy.

Special Education Needs

The identification of students with special learning needs and assessment of their learning requirements takes place upon their entry to the academy.

The process begins during meetings with our partner primary schools and initial discussions with parent/ carers. We keep close contact with parent/ carers to discuss progress. As much as possible, students with special learning needs are taught within class groups, although small group work and individual tuition will be used where appropriate. When necessary, we work closely with other Lincolnshire services to support students with special learning needs.

Please go to the policies section for our full Special Education Needs policy.

Gifted and Talented

Barnes Wallis is a community which recognises the central importance of each individual and his or her relationships with others.

We endeavour to encourage students’ aspirations and create opportunities for them to become confident, responsible adults.

Keeping this mission statement in mind, provision for the able should be seen as an aspect of provisions for all children, as an integral part of equal opportunity for all students. We need to provide a consistent approach and to be aware that the gifted and talented have as much need of differentiated work as any other student.

Young Carers

At Barnes Wallis Academy our Young Carers group has been running for several years and during this time we have enjoyed lots of exciting activities both in and outside school.

Our Young Carers have the benefit of being able to have someone to talk to when they need to, and feel safe and secure within our school.

Our Academy has a great awareness of Young Carers, we meet every week and use this time to train, discuss and support each other.

Our students are not judged, they are understood and respected for their additional responsibilities. Find out more about our young carers here.

 Children in Care 

Barnes Wallis Academy has a named Designated Teacher for Children in Care, Sarah Jorgensen - Assistant Principal for Inclusion. She oversees the provision for Children in Care as they can require support that is 'different from' and 'additional to' those not in care. Each child will be allocated a key worker who attends meetings, liaises with outside agencies and ensures effective provision is in place. This person also acts as the child's advocate from the school's perspective. 
Additional funds can be drawn down for Children in Care and in this way they can be targeted for in house interventions as well as other resources the child may need to ensure educational outcomes. 

Children for whom English is an Additional Language

Students considered EAL may face additional challenges at school. They will be flagged with teachers and monitored closely in terms of settling into school and social interactions. It may be appropriate to 'buddy up' students with peers. Students will have a communication passport written with them to ensure staff know how best to support their communication needs. Staff that speak additional languages wear flag pins on their lanyards to highlight this fact. 
Speaking additional languages is a strength to be celebrated and where appropriate students are encouraged to sit additional exams in languages. 

Alternative Provision 

The Bridge
Barnes Wallis Academy has its own internal alternative provision unit called the Bridge. This caters for a small number of KS3 students who are at risk of permanent exclusion. Within The Bridge the school takes a holistic approach to meeting students needs and creating a bespoke curriculum package. Students may in The Bridge for all or part of their timetables. The aim being to reintegrate students back into mainstream lessons armed with self regulation strategies and tailored support. 
Pilgrim School
For students with complex medical conditions Barnes Wallis Academy works with the Local Authority under the EBSA framework to secure ongoing appropriate educational provision. Students may be supported by Pilgrim school as a short term provision. Regular review meetings are held to ensure this continues to be appropriate and effective for individual students.
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