The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Barnes Wallis Academy

At Barnes Wallis Academy we aim to provide each and every one of our students with the guidance and support they need to excel.


Attendance & Progress














Leave of Absence Application  

Regular attendance is essential for success.

If a student is absent we ask you to contact the school on the first day of absence to advise the reason.

Requests for permission to be absent should only be made in exceptional circumstances, and always in writing to the Principal. After each absence, however short, a student should bring a note from the parent or carer, stating the reason for the absence.

The Academy uses lots of different ways to track student progress, and parents are always welcome to discuss their child's progress with teachers. If you would like to discuss your child's progress then please do not hesitate to contact the school office.


Data reports are produced 3 times a year.

The report contains information about current effort and attainment alongside the targets we have set for your child. We ask that if there are any concerns about progress, please contact your child's Form Tutor. In addition, parents/ carers and students are invited to an annual consultation evening.

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